If you are interested in exploring the option of incorporating psychiatric medication into your treatment or continuing a previously prescribed medication, please call UHCS to speak with a Mental Health Clinician.
Currently UHCS psychiatric prescribing staff are available to provide services to students residing in Massachusetts. Staff are able to assist students with accessing clinicians outside of Massachusetts for regular treatment.
Students in Massachusetts: The clinician can assist you in scheduling an initial evaluation with a prescribing clinician. This evaluation will include a comprehensive assessment of your history, symptoms, functioning, and concerns. Results of this assessment will be shared with you directly by the clinician. This will be the first step in considering the options of a treatment plan. You will have the opportunity to ask any questions you have about diagnosis, medication options, and risks. Non-medication treatments will also be discussed and in most cases will be part of the treatment plan recommendations.
Psychiatric medication treatment can be initiated and maintained at UHCS or referred out to psychiatrists in the community; depending on aspects of each individual case. Factors may include: whether a student has a current treating psychiatric provider, the nature of the diagnosis, and prognostic factors.
Things to Consider When Making a Psychopharmacology Appointment
Should you chose to begin taking medication after you evaluation, you will be expected to attend follow-up appointments with your prescriber, scheduled according to your treatment needs. Medication refills are generally prescribed in face to face appointments, rather than over the phone, so it is important to keep these follow-up appointments. If you know you will be out of medication soon, please call UHCS at (617) 373-2772, option #2 well in advance of running out of medication to schedule an appointment.
You will need to have an initial UHCS evaluation in order to be prescribed medications or have any prescriptions renewed. If you have ever had medication treatment in the past, it is important to bring prior documentation. This allows for your best possible care and can help ease the transition process.
In addition to an initial evaluation appointment, treatment with stimulant prescriptions such as Ritalin, Adderall, or Concerta typically requires a neuropsychological evaluation and any information supporting an ADHD diagnosis including testing results.
Please note that UHCS clinicians generally do not consider benzodiazepines such as Xanax, Ativan, Valium and Klonopin to be first choices in treating anxiety due to the high potential for dependence.